Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Moon

The Moon
Originally uploaded by Drizzt51.
From my back yard through my pine.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

In honor of the Dalai Lama's visit to Ithaca

30 second skip TiVo

Thanks to the internet I was able to get the 30 second (commercial) skip working on my TiVo. Sweet!

1. Grab your TiVo remote.

2. Bring up any recorded program. (I believe you have to be watching a recorded program rather than "Live TV" in order to enable the feature.)

3. On your TiVo remote, key in the following sequence:
select play select 3 0 select

4. If you've successfully entered the code, you should hear three "bings" in succession to let you know that you've successfully enabled the 30 second skip feature.

5. The skip-to-hash button on your remote will now skip forward 30 seconds during playback.

6. The previous function of the skip to hash button (that is, jumping to the next "hash" mark on the playback progress bar at the bottom of the screen) can still be accessed by first pressing fast forward or reverse. Press the fast forward button and then press skip-to-hash and the playback will advance to the next hashmark (or the end of the program if you're close to the end of playback.) Press the rewind button and then the skip-to-hash and you jump back to the previous hash mark, or the beginning of the program depending on your place in the playback. Skipping past the end of the program takes you back to the start of playback.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Apple II explained by seven year old

Programming for an apple is so easy that even a 7 yearold can do it.

Sam w/ Icing

Sam w/ Icing
Originally uploaded by Drizzt51.
He is also available in the non iced model, however these are increasingly hard to find.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Car Phone?

One would think that this sign implies that you can use this pay phone from your car

Car Phone?

However ....

Car Phone?

There are two poles that block you from pulling up to it! Nice!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Dog Surpasses Man

Man be friends dog , feeds him, shelters him. Only to have dog kick his butt a Wii boxing.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dont whiz on the electric fence

Some guy (whom apparently never saw Ren and Stimpy) peed on a PS2. Unfortunately for him the play station fought back knocked the guy unconscious. He was treated and released from a local hospital, PS 2's everywhere should stay inside until this guy is caught.

Read the whole story here.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The techie Haiku winner

Each month ThinkGeek runs a techie Haiku contest, last month's winner:

The Mac hates popcorn
I dropped some on the keyboard
It kernel panicked

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Rube you may not be with us but your spirit lives on

When I was younger mouse trap was one of my favorite games ... but this really takes the cake!

NOTE: Sometimes you have to click on it a few times to get the movie going.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Hi Im a Marvel ...

Sometimes I have to face the fact that I really am I comic book nerd, today is one of those days.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Im not a cat person either but come on ....

Mug of Friendship

Mug of Friendship
Originally uploaded by Drizzt51.
This is definitely one of the nicest things I have received. A good friend gave this to me to say thanks, but I am the one that is truly thankful. Its hard to find good friends ... not just good friends but good people. I am lucky to have had a few good, no, no, great people enter my life recently.


Monday, May 7, 2007

Has technology improved our lives?

I love gadgets! Sometimes though I have to wonder if they
are really improving my life. For example cell phones. I was so excited when I got my first cell, I would be able to be in contact with my friends and family at all times. I need to stress that I had no idea that at all times truly meant at all times. At first it was a lot of fun. I could talk to people while driving, I could stay in touch when I was out of town, etc. As time went on my cell number ended up in the hands of my employer and they used it, a lot. I went on to be a contractor and used my cell as my main contact number for my clients and they used a lot more.

At some point I went from feeling warm and happy when my cell rang to wanting to cringe.

Life Better?

Friday, May 4, 2007

Sometimes you have to ...

Well I guess I have no idea why people come up with some inventions. The rocket powered toilet is totally weird and probably has no real use, however I still want one.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Some days life sucks ....

Originally uploaded by Drizzt51.
So Im happily working along running some fun scripts and all of sudden things start happening ... things im not asking the computer to do. At some point I opened 70 some connections to a server while locking up my computer. Sheesh. As seen in the picture I had to actually physically remove the a key from my laptop keyboard.
