Monday, March 5, 2007

The Lost Tomb of Jesus

The wife and I watched an interesting docudrama on the discovery of what could be the the Tomb of the Jesus family. They put together a rather compelling story and leave it up to the viewer to draw their own conclusions. I'm really not sure what I think yet. What is interesting is all the people that are outraged over this because of the "religious implications." What are they? God gives his son to the world as a mortal and he dies, shouldn't his remains exist? I must be missing something.


Anonymous said...

There are two general disputes the church has with the theories of Lost Tomb.

The first is the least eggregious and would probably not be to a number of believers. It is the leap that Cameron makes, without any real justification, that the ossuary assumed to be labeled Mary Magdalene is also assumed to be there because she was the wife of Jesus.

There is a body of scholars that believe that Jesus had a mate. It has been proposed that marriage was not only a social norm but nearly required in the culture of 30AD. It was seen as one of the first tennants of the mitzvah. Mary Magdalene seems the most obvious of candidates.

Truthfully, I don't feel that it matters in the scheme of things.

The greater concern is that, for most Christians, there is simply no room for the physical remains of Christ. For most, I would wager, the physical resurrection is required for the completion of the salvation work, and disproving that would bring irreperable damage.

Some scholars have proposed that the apostle Pauls account of the resurrection describes an incorporeal body revisting the apostles and the people, and would give ground to Cameron's theory if it could be proved out.

Shawn said...

This is totally interested because I always (mistakenly) thought that the resurrection was in spirit not physical. So in light of that I can see where the tension is. I will be reading up on this some more since its a very interesting topic.

So it seems that although there could have been remains since Jesus was mortal according to the bible he was physical resurrected. Does that me he was taken body and all into heaven?